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Getting the ball rolling…

Most great stories begin at the golf course and ours is no different…

One afternoon, in the heat of the British summer, four tired golfers sat down in the clubhouse to solve one of golf’s greatest enigmas: the secret to playing better golf. In this relatable though unremarkable scenario our swing-tip discussions were inevitably cut short. Our attention turned to an interview that had flashed on the big screen. A three-time major champion began spilling the beans on the importance of golfing nutrition and how it had transformed his game for the better. It got us thinking. What did golfers eat? Why had nobody mentioned this before? And, just like that, the penny had dropped. There and then OPN was born serving one unique purpose.

To give the gift of better golf by providing great tasting, high-energy snacks to all golfers, at all courses at all levels.

We at OPN have made a commitment to create a tailor-made product that suits the needs of the modern golfer, providing you with proper golfing nutrition that you never knew you needed.

So, next time you’re out on the course, remember:

Eat Smart. Play Smart.

Team OPN.

- Fuelling the modern golfer.